not just to visit, but experience Alaska at it is supposed to be done.
Salmonberry Travel & Tours
The days almost literally never end.
Or maybe you want to watch the bears as they do the fishing.
It can get a bit tricky. All those lines in the water at the same time.
The sound of the dogs ready to go is something you will never forget.
lots of exciting winter stuff; auctions, tribal displays, ice sculptures and who could forget the carnival in 30 below.
it may be ice fishing, a remote village seeking the Aurora Borealis or maybe you want to view Sleeping Lady all dressed in her winter gown.
Salmonberry Travel & Tours
Something you surely don't want to miss
Adventures by Disney
One of the best places to see the wildlife in its natural habitat.
A&K Tailor Made
One of the best ways to see the beauty, grandeur, wildlife and both the interior and water edges of the state.